Um síðustu helgi flugu 40 félagar úr Kvennakórnum Vox feminae og Gospelsystrum Reykjavíkur á vit ævintýranna til Danmerkur. Tilefnið var að halda jólatónleika í Sankt Pauls kirke í miðborg Kaupamannahafnar. Með í ferðinni var að sjálfsögðu stjórnandi kóranna Margrét J. Pálmadóttir, Hanna Björk Guðjónsdóttir sópran og Agnar Már Magnússon sem lék undir á píanó. Á efnisskrá tónleikanna voru gospelsöngvar, jólasálmar og Ave Maríur. Tónleikagestum var boðið að taka undir í nokkrum lögum og vakti það mikla gleði gesta. Tónleikarnir heppnuðust mjög vel og áttu gestir og flytjendur góða stund saman í kirkjunni að tónleikum loknum. Í ferðinni gafst kórkonum einnig tími til að fara í Óperuna og hlusta á Don Carlos eftir Giuseppe Verdi.Fréttatilkynning frá Gospelsystrum og Vox feminae
Margrét Jóhanna Pálmadóttir is a famous singer and choir director in Iceland. She began her music studies when only a child in Hafnarfjördur, Iceland. Her studies took her from various music institutes in Iceland, to Vienna and later to Italy. Margrét´s inspiring work has led her to found, almost single-handedly a number of choirs in Iceland. In the year 2000 Margrét founded DOMUS VOX, an establishment which unites under one roof a singing-school and choir practices. The President of Iceland Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson invested Margrét with the Order of the Falcon, The Knight´s Cross in 2004 for her pioneer work in Music. Same year The Swedish king Carl Gustaf also awarded Margrét with The Royal order of the North Star. Today Margrét conducts two women´s choirs, Vox feminae and Gospelsisters of Reykjavik, and also the Reykjavik Girls Choir (120 girls from the age 4 to 18) in connection with her establishment DOMUS VOX. There are over 200 members of girls and women at all ages in her choirs. About 40 women from her choirs have planned, for her initiative, a singing and cultural tour to Copenhagen in December 2007. They will perform at a concert at the Sankt Pauls kirke, Sankt Pauls Plads 1, Copenhagen on Sunday december 9th at 16:00. The program will include gospel and christmas songs as well as famous ´Ave Maria´s´ The famous Icelandic Jazz pianist Agnar Már Magnússon will be the pianist for the choir in this concert. Hanna Björk Gudjónsdóttir is a soloist with the choir. She is a well known soprano singer in Iceland. She has often performed as a soloist with Icelandic choirs as well as being the soloist on the latest cd Ave Maria with the womens choir Vox feminae.
Um síðustu helgi flugu 40 félagar úr Kvennakórnum Vox feminae og Gospelsystrum Reykjavíkur á vit ævintýranna til Danmerkur. Tilefnið var að halda jólatónleika í Sankt Pauls kirke í miðborg Kaupamannahafnar. Með í ferðinni var að sjálfsögðu stjórnandi kóranna Margrét J. Pálmadóttir, Hanna Björk Guðjónsdóttir sópran og Agnar Már Magnússon sem lék undir á píanó. Á efnisskrá tónleikanna voru gospelsöngvar, jólasálmar og Ave Maríur. Tónleikagestum var boðið að taka undir í nokkrum lögum og vakti það mikla gleði gesta. Tónleikarnir heppnuðust mjög vel og áttu gestir og flytjendur góða stund saman í kirkjunni að tónleikum loknum. Í ferðinni gafst kórkonum einnig tími til að fara í Óperuna og hlusta á Don Carlos eftir Giuseppe Verdi.
Margrét Jóhanna Pálmadóttir is a famous singer and choir director in Iceland. She began her music studies when only a child in Hafnarfjördur, Iceland. Her studies took her from various music institutes in Iceland, to Vienna and later to Italy. Margrét´s inspiring work has led her to found, almost single-handedly a number of choirs in Iceland. In the year 2000 Margrét founded DOMUS VOX, an establishment which unites under one roof a singing-school and choir practices. The President of Iceland Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson invested Margrét with the Order of the Falcon, The Knight´s Cross in 2004 for her pioneer work in Music. Same year The Swedish king Carl Gustaf also awarded Margrét with The Royal order of the North Star. Today Margrét conducts two women´s choirs, Vox feminae and Gospelsisters of Reykjavik, and also the Reykjavik Girls Choir (120 girls from the age 4 to 18) in connection with her establishment DOMUS VOX. There are over 200 members of girls and women at all ages in her choirs. About 40 women from her choirs have planned, for her initiative, a singing and cultural tour to Copenhagen in December 2007. They will perform at a concert at the Sankt Pauls kirke, Sankt Pauls Plads 1, Copenhagen on Sunday december 9th at 16:00. The program will include gospel and christmas songs as well as famous ´Ave Maria´s´ The famous Icelandic Jazz pianist Agnar Már Magnússon will be the pianist for the choir in this concert. Hanna Björk Gudjónsdóttir is a soloist with the choir. She is a well known soprano singer in Iceland. She has often performed as a soloist with Icelandic choirs as well as being the soloist on the latest cd Ave Maria with the womens choir Vox feminae.
Um síðustu helgi flugu 40 félagar úr Kvennakórnum Vox feminae og Gospelsystrum Reykjavíkur á vit ævintýranna til Danmerkur. Tilefnið var að halda jólatónleika í Sankt Pauls kirke í miðborg Kaupamannahafnar. Með í ferðinni var að sjálfsögðu stjórnandi kóranna Margrét J. Pálmadóttir, Hanna Björk Guðjónsdóttir sópran og Agnar Már Magnússon sem lék undir á píanó. Á efnisskrá tónleikanna voru gospelsöngvar, jólasálmar og Ave Maríur. Tónleikagestum var boðið að taka undir í nokkrum lögum og vakti það mikla gleði gesta. Tónleikarnir heppnuðust mjög vel og áttu gestir og flytjendur góða stund saman í kirkjunni að tónleikum loknum. Í ferðinni gafst kórkonum einnig tími til að fara í Óperuna og hlusta á Don Carlos eftir Giuseppe Verdi.