Gígjunni hefur borist póstur með upplýsingum um alþjóðlega söngvarakeppni til minningar um Jean Sibelius. Nánari upplýsingar um þessa keppni m.a. umsóknareyðublað er að finna á vefsetri keppninnar; www.sibeliuslaulukilpailu.fi. Fréttinni fylgir tölvupóstur með frekari upplýsingum.The International Sibelius Singing Competition 2007
Hey Gigjan ! I would like to inform you and hope you could further inform your teachers and students about The International Sibelius Singing Competition 2007 by the Sibelius Festival, the Sibelius Academy and the City of Jarvenpaa 50 year Memorial of Jean Sibelius. The competition is open to female and male citizens of; Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden born in or after 1972. PRIZES I 10,000 II 5,000 III 2,500 INFO www.sibeliuslaulukilpailu.fi Sendandi bréfs: rampuja(hjá)siba.fi
Hey Gigjan ! I would like to inform you and hope you could further inform your teachers and students about The International Sibelius Singing Competition 2007 by the Sibelius Festival, the Sibelius Academy and the City of Jarvenpaa 50 year Memorial of Jean Sibelius. The competition is open to female and male citizens of; Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden born in or after 1972. PRIZES I 10,000 II 5,000 III 2,500 INFO www.sibeliuslaulukilpailu.fi Sendandi bréfs: rampuja(hjá)siba.fi